// OSP Tourney DM Client/Server Command Listing // ============================================ // rhea@ittc.ukans.edu // 13 Nov 1999 // // Version(2.65a) // Server commands: ---------------- sv allready - Forces all clients to "ready" status. sv allnotready - Forces all clients to "not ready" status. sv mpause - A toggle that pauses/unpauses a match. sv stopmatch - Stops a match that is currently in progress. sv playerlist - Reloads the current specified playername list. --> If a filename is specified with this command, the player list will be loaded from the specified file. Gladiator Bot control: sv addbot - Adds specified bot sv removebot [bot's_name] - Removes specified bot. If no name specified, then first found bot will be removed. sv addrandom [number] - Adds a random bot to the game. If a numeric [number] is included, it will add [number] random bots. ----> For other Gladiator bot-related commands, please refer to the Gladiator documentation found in the "gladiator/" directory or visit http://www.botepidemic.com/gladiator. IP banning (same interface as vanilla 3.20 DM): sv addip - adds an ip to the ban list sv listip - removes an ip from the ban list sv removeip - remove an ip from the list sv writeip - writes the ban list to /listip.cfg. --> You can exec this .cfg on a server load to load the list on subsequent server runs: quake2 +set dedicated 1 +exec listip.cfg Note: The is a simple mask system. Adding 192.168 to the list would block out everyone in the 192.168.*.* net block. Currently, you have up to 1024 banned subnets. A new cvar is also supported called 'filterban'. It defaults to "1" which means "allow everyone to connect _except_ those matching in the ban list." If you set it to "0", the meaning reverses to: "Don't allow anyone to connect unless they are in the list." Client commands: ---------------- autocam - Takes client out of game and puts them into "autocam" mode. Can also be used to toggle out of autocam mode and return to a game in progress (if allowed). [Subcommands for the autocam can be found further below.] chasecam - Takes client out of game and puts them into "chasecam" mode. This option is not allowed if a qualifier/team/1v1 match is in progress. It is also used as a toggle to leave chasecam mode and return to play. chase - Same as "chasecam". droprune/drop rune - If runes are enabled, allows the client to drop the rune they are holding. filter - Allows clients to filter chat messages: filter 0 - Don't filter any chat messages. filter 1 - Filter spectator messages. filter 2 - Ignore opposing team members chats (if applicable). filter 3 - Ignore ALL chat messages. hook/+hook/+grapple - Activates the hook (if enabled). unhook/-hook/-grapple - Dectivates the hook (if enabled). highscores/hiscore - Displays the high scores for a given map, if in FFA mode. hud - Allows client to toggle positioning of countdown timer from right side to bottom-middle. Can also be done from menus. id - enables/disables player identification, if allowed by server. join/joingame - In FFA play (Regular/Qualifier DM), allows client to join a game in progess. matchinfo - if the server is not in deathmatch-only mode, then the client will be shown the parameters of the current match. menu - Pulls up client menu (just like hitting inven key). motd - bings up current Message Of The Day. notready - puts client in "not ready" status if in match mode and if the match has not already begun. observe/observer - Takes a client out of the game and puts them into "observer" mode. This option may or may not be allowed if a qualifier/team/1v1 match is in progress, dpending on how the server is configured. Clients must also be at full health to switch to any spectator mode, when a game is in progress. observer - Same as "observe". oldscores - Displays the scoreboard from the last match played. oldstats - If used by itself, shows the players whose stats are available from the previous round. If used with a correct playername, displays their stats from the previous round. players - Lists all active players in the game. It gives the clients' ID #, name, and [BOT] if they are a Gladiator server-side bot. ready - puts client in "ready" status if in match mode. referee/admin/ref - Allows a player to have access to the referee commands (listed below). This command requires the player to include either the referee_password or rcon_password to gain this status. If the player is already a referee, then the admin menu will be brought up when this command is issued. stats/aacuracy - Shows player's current hit/attempt statistics for all weapons that have been used by the player within the game, except the BFG10K. I figure that I would spare people the possible embarrassment of having an accuracy of LESS than 100% with this silly weapon :) talkto/tell/talk - Sends a message to a specific player. vote - Allows client to propose changes to the current match. These changes, if passed, will be good only for the current round of play. Loading of the next map will force default values to be reset. The following things are available for voting: map: Player can choose from any map in the queue. timelimit/tl: Change current timelimit fraglimit/fl: Change current fraglimit hook: Enable/disable hook in match. quad: Enable/disable quad damage in match. bfg: Enable/disable BFG10K in match. toggles: Bitwise (OR) setting of particular items. (See below for these settings). addbots: Propose to add <#> bots. rembots: Propose to remove <#> bots. config: Selects new server config. runes: Enable/disable Lithium-style runes. kick: Kicks a particular player from the server. yes: Votes "yea" for current proposal. no: Votes "nay" for current proposal. Issuing a "vote" by itself will give information on the current proposed change in progress. If there is no proposal, then the client will be given a list of options to choose from. This is the same if issuing a "vote